الخميس، 4 أكتوبر 2012
الثلاثاء، 10 يوليو 2012
الأربعاء، 4 يوليو 2012
الأربعاء، 13 يونيو 2012
عماد الطائي:EMAD ALTAAY

Born : 1973
Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts
Baghdad University - Iraq 1996
Worked as a teacher at the Institute of Fine Arts-Baghdad as well as private art teacher in London and Jordan,
his works were collected in Jordan by princess Zein Al Hussein and princess Alia Al Hussein, also in Lebanon,
Egypt, Qatar, Morocco, Algeria, Syria, Sweden, USA, Holland, Estonia, India, London, Dubai, Paris.
- 2011 the awards winner of Equestrian Artists Regional Exhibition and Sally Mitchell
Gallery prize ( the Best in Show ).
- 2005 the awards winner of Landscape painting competition for young artist .
- 2002 the awards winner of a Wall assigned painting-Iraq.
-1998 the awards winner of a portrait competition-Iraq.
-1995 the awards winner of a portrait competition-Iraq.
-Member of the Iraqi fine arts Association.
-Member of the Iraqi artist union
Solo exhibition:
- 2011 - Art space gallery – London.
- 2011 - the Humanitarian Dialogue Foundation - London.
- 2009 - AL-Anda art gallery, Amman-Jordan.
- 2009 - Zaman Modern Art gallery, Beirut -Lebanon.
- 2011, Participated in the Equestrian Artists Open Exhibition –the Mall
Galleries London
- 2011, participate in the ROYAL SOCIETY OF MARINE ARTISTS ANNUAL EXHIBITION - the Mall Galleries - London
- 2011, participate in the new Equestrian Art - Sally Mitchell Gallery .
- 2009, Festival days of Iraqi culture - Amman-Jordan.
- 1992 to 2005 Participated in various Exhibitions within Iraq.
- participated in several art Exhibitions around the world, Morocco,
Qatar, Bahrain, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Las Vegas, South Africa, London, Paris.
- 2007, Participated in the International Equestrian Art Exhibition - Las Vegas, USA.
السبت، 28 أبريل 2012
السبت، 7 أبريل 2012
Feng Chiang-jiang

Born in the ancient cultural city Xian, is a native of Hua County, Henan Province. He is now a member of the Chinese Artists Association and the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association. He has also been the Dean of Shanxi Art Institute.
He developed an interest in painting in his youth and taught himself to be an artist. In 1974, Feng followed the famous painter as well as art historian, Mr Pan Jiezi, to study traditional heavy-color meticulous brushwork painting and the replication of ancient frescoes. Having spent a great amount of time at Yong-le Palace (Rui city), Qing-long Temple (Jie-shan County), Fan-zhi Rock, Kai-hua Temple (Gao-ping), and Lou-rui Tomb (Tai-yuan), Feng has benefited abundantly in his artistic development and founded a solid foundation for his later artistic style.
Feng specializes in portraits, but also good in other subjects such as landscape. He is particularly skilled in painting huge scenes. His female portraits are graceful, elegant and full of oriental charm, revealing his profound painting skills and outstanding artistic expression. Feng�s works stress on the rhythm endowed in the traditional use of lines; meanwhile, he integrates them with the spectacular use of colors, thus forming his unique style which reflects a strong sense of modernity. His debut �Dance of Red Silk� was first exhibited at the Chinese Art Museum with full success. The painting was also featured in art magazine such as Art, Chinese Painting, etc. Feng then created numerous heavy-color fine brushwork paintings, which gained him high acclaim in China and overseas. He won the Gold Prize at the Salon Exhibition of France in 1982, the 3rd Prize of the National Art Exhibition in 1984, 1st Prize of the National Art Exhibition in 1987, Gold Medal of Shanxi Art Festival and the First Gold Award of the First Shanxi Literary Foundation. Having been rated officially the �Eminent Artist�, his biography was broadcasted in the important TV documentary called the �Register of Cultural Celebrities� in China. In 2008, he was selected as one of the "300 most outstanding artists in the world in recent 200 years" by the authoritative website of art critique in the US, among the five Chinese artists selcted, Chen Yifei was also included.
Feng relocated to New York in 1997. His first exhibition in the U.S. was held at the Eastern Gallery in China Town, then at the Benedetti Gallery, the Chinese Art Center at Manhattan, and the Prince Street Gallery. After numerous exhibitions, his works gained the high acclaim from collectors in the U.S. publications include Works of Feng Changjiang, �Selected Works of Feng Changjiang Selected Heavy Color Paintings of Feng Changjiang�, and Works of Art of Feng Changjiang. His works have been collected by the Chinese National Museum, Chinese Historical Museum, Chinese National Olympics Committee, Shenzhen Museum, U.S. White House and the United Nations
السبت، 4 فبراير 2012
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بعض الملاحظات التي تخص المدونة اتمنى ان يتم الانتباه لها:
1-عرض الاعمال الفنية يتم من قبلي فقط لايوجد اي شخص او ادارة تتدير المدونة غير هند جمال ..
2-من يرغب بعرض اعماله ارسالها على ايميل المدونةiraq_art81@yahoo.com
الايميل تم تخصيصه فقط لأستقبال اعمالكم ارجو عدم ارسال دعوات من مواقع الفيس بوك او غيره لاضافة صديق عن طريق هذا الايميل
او اضافه على ماسنجر ..فقط ارسال الاعمال مع نبذة تعريفية عن صاحب العمل..وغير مسموح نهائيا ارسال ارقام تلفونات او طلبات تعارف عبر الايميل وسيتم حظر اي شخص يقوم بذلك..
3-اتمنى من يرسل اعماله ان يقوم بوضع اسمه على العمل الفني من خلال برامج الكتابة على الصور لضمان عدم نقل الصور لغير المواقع والتصرف بها ..هذا طلب لضمان حقوق الفنان لأن البعض يقوم بنقل الصور دون ذكر اسم صاحب العمل الفني...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بعض الملاحظات التي تخص المدونة اتمنى ان يتم الانتباه لها:
1-عرض الاعمال الفنية يتم من قبلي فقط لايوجد اي شخص او ادارة تتدير المدونة غير هند جمال ..
2-من يرغب بعرض اعماله ارسالها على ايميل المدونةiraq_art81@yahoo.com
الايميل تم تخصيصه فقط لأستقبال اعمالكم ارجو عدم ارسال دعوات من مواقع الفيس بوك او غيره لاضافة صديق عن طريق هذا الايميل
او اضافه على ماسنجر ..فقط ارسال الاعمال مع نبذة تعريفية عن صاحب العمل..وغير مسموح نهائيا ارسال ارقام تلفونات او طلبات تعارف عبر الايميل وسيتم حظر اي شخص يقوم بذلك..
3-اتمنى من يرسل اعماله ان يقوم بوضع اسمه على العمل الفني من خلال برامج الكتابة على الصور لضمان عدم نقل الصور لغير المواقع والتصرف بها ..هذا طلب لضمان حقوق الفنان لأن البعض يقوم بنقل الصور دون ذكر اسم صاحب العمل الفني...
الملاحظات تم اعادة عرضها من موضوع سابق لعدم التزام البعض بماهوه ذكرته سابقا..
واخيرا وليس اخرا شكرا لجميع على المتابعة
4-تم ارفاق المدونة بخاصية جديدة وهي متابعة المدونة ومايعرض من جديد فيها من خلال الايميل الخاصية موجودة اسفل الصورة الرئيسية للمدونة على الجانب الايمن
واخيرا وليس اخرا شكرا لجميع على المتابعة
4-تم ارفاق المدونة بخاصية جديدة وهي متابعة المدونة ومايعرض من جديد فيها من خلال الايميل الخاصية موجودة اسفل الصورة الرئيسية للمدونة على الجانب الايمن
السبت، 21 يناير 2012
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